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Grain Handling Solutions - Hutchinson Chain Conveyors

Chain Conveyors - Hutchinson Chain Conveyors
Choose from Hutchinson's large selection of Drive-Over, Flat Grain Storage Reclaim, and Portable En-Masse Conveyors, Portable Grain Pumps, and the new Dual Hopper Chain Conveyor System!

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Hutchinson Drive-Over Chain Conveyors feature reinforced ramps that fold upward for narrow transport width, a removable hitch, and choice of electric or hydraulic motor drive.
Hutchinson Trac Mass-ter conveyors operate from the comfort of your tractor. These conveyors function either inclined or horizontally and are reinforced with a self-supporting undercarriage.
Hutchinson's Mass-ter Mover Models 50 and 85 cause less damage to grain at higher capacities using a unique UHMW paddle. These en masse conveyors save energy by using less horsepower than a screw...More Details »
Hutchinson Portable Grain Pumps requires less horsepower than air systems. They use a 81X or 81XHH conveyor chain and offer capacities from 4,000 to 6,000 bushels per hour while reducing grain...More Details »