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Riley 3,500 BPH Bucket Elevator with 10" X 6" Buckets on 8" Centers

Available in 50' - 175'
Please Call for Availability


510 FPM belt speed, 65 pulley RPM
10" wide pre-punched PVC belt, 250 p.i.w. thru 135', 350 p.i.w. on taller elevators
12 ga. Head section with Dodge SCM pillow block ball bearings thru 2 15/16" diameter, Dodge S2000 double roller bearings on larger sizes and bearing jacking bolts
30" diameter drum head pulley with lagging, throat baffle, inspection door at discharge and lagging inspection door
Two-piece bonnet with 10 ga. steel liner at wear points
14" wide X 10" deep 14 ga. Galvanized dual legging
Above 150' legging is 12 ga. bolted
Inspection door section with full width openings on front and back side
10 ga. three-piece sides, bolted boot section with 1 15/16" diameter Dodge SCM pillow block ball bearings, screw take-up, 30" diameter drum boot pulley, inspection door, two clean-out slides, and one boot hopper



  • BE301014-3500-106-8
  • BE301014-3500-106-8
  • Riley Equipment
  • New


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